Tuesday, 22 November 2016

No Washing Machines Here

Weekends are time to do the laundry.  Everyone is responsible for doing their own.  The outdoor laundry area consists of concrete slabs for soaping
and scrubbing the washing.  Followed by dunking into buckets of fresh water for rinsing.

There is one small line strung across the back of the laundry area but mostly it is hung over the fences around the illam.  In this weather it only takes an hour or two for drying.

How many teenagers do you know that would make washing look like this much fun and voluntarily do their own laundry??


  1. Not many on this side of the world. What excellent photos!

  2. ... and I moan if I should have any hand washing to do!
    Fabulous photo's again, the clothes/material is just so colourful.

    All the best Jan

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